Dr. Kayla Berst on studying, working and living in the North
Posted on May 6, 2019
Dr. Kayla Berst
I’m a graduate of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and a family physician in Northern Ontario. As a medical student, I experienced what it would be like to work in the North and most importantly learned about the specific health issues that may affect my patients here.
NOSM is more than just a medical school; it exists because people like you, in communities like yours, believe that everyone—no matter where they live—deserve access to quality health care. Because of NOSM, my patients don’t have to travel to see a doctor. They have access to me—a homegrown health-care provider—in their own community who knows their history and how to help them. We work together to prevent and manage their health issues and to help them live healthier lives.