New director for both Anesthesiology
and Family Practice Anesthesia programs
Posted on December 21, 2018

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine would like to recognize the stellar work of Dr. Rob Anderson, who is completing his tenure as the Program Director for both the Anesthesiology and Family Practice Anesthesia (FPA) programs on December 31, 2018, having led them for the past decade.
Dr. Anderson first took on the role of Regional Director for the University of Ottawa’s Northern Stream Anesthesiology program, administered through NOSM, as well as the School’s own PGY3 FPA program in 2009. His leadership of each program forged a reputation for excellence in anesthesia training, with particular recognition for simulated clinical experiences, highlighted by the nationally-recognized NOSM FPA Anesthesia Bootcamp. He most-recently guided the School’s Anesthesiology program to be the School’s first Royal College specialty training program to adopt a Competency-Based Model of Education and set the path for NOSM’s other Royal College programs. Throughout his tenure, Dr. Anderson has been nominated for, and the recipient of, numerous medical education awards, including being named the 2014 Program Director of the year by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, as well as the recipient of the 2016 Canadian Association of Medical Education Certificate of Merit. He will continue in his role as Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) Lead for all NOSM Postgraduate residency programs as they continue their transition, and will remain actively involved with anesthesia residency training.
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine would also like to congratulate Dr. Rya Boscariol, who has accepted the roles of NOSM FPA and Anesthesiology Program Director, starting January 1, 2019. Dr. Boscariol has been actively engaged with both programs’ transition to CBME, and was instrumental in the creation of personalized learning blocks designed to facilitate individualized enhanced learning plans for residents. Dr. Boscariol will be located in Sudbury, as part of Health Sciences North anesthesia department.