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Our Residents

Dr. Breton Burke

Dr. Breton Burke grew up in Red Lake, Ontario enjoying much of the outdoor opportunities that is has to offer. He completed his undergraduate degree in Life Sciences at Queen’s University before completing medical school at the University of Ottawa and finally his Family Medicine Training at NOSM U in Thunder Bay. He hopes to cultivate a career with a balance of both acute medicine and longitudinal Family Medicine with rural/remote locums. His hobbies include hiking, back country camping, and admittedly being overly competitive at board games.






Dr. Rachel Hummel

Dr. Rachel Hummel is excited to continue her medical training in Thunder Bay. She completed her family medicine residency at NOSM U after graduating from medical school at the University of Ottawa. She is proud of her background in fine arts, and occasionally still pulls out her paints. She loves the pace of Emergency Medicine, and looks forward to a fulfilling career as a full scope general practitioner. She is interested in planetary health and rides her bike to work most days.





Dr. Sarah Kordlouie

Dr. Sarah Kordlouie was born and raised in Montreal. She completed her medical school and residency in Family Medicine at McGill before moving to Thunder Bay to pursue Emergency Medicine. Her special interests include ultrasound, trauma and medical education. When not at the hospital, she is probably cooking, painting, or planning her next travels. She hopes to practice medicine both in northern Canada and in urban settings.






Dr. Shyan Van Heer

Dr. Shyan Van Heer grew up in the Greater Toronto Area and completed his undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at McMaster University. During this time, he volunteered as a campus and festival Emergency First Responder while working as a First Aid and CPR Instructor. He completed medical school at Queen’s University before training in Family Medicine at the University of Toronto’s Southlake site in Newmarket. His academic interests include medical education and understanding the human factors that impact performance. Shyan is excited to explore Northern Ontario’s biking trails, golf courses, and winter sports. Enthusiastic about making the most of this year, he looks forward to immersing himself in the community and hopes to be recruited to a local recreational hockey or basketball team



Dr. Brendan Cotter

Dr. Brendan Cotter is originally from Toronto and completed his BSc in Kinesiology at McMaster University and his MSc in Kinesiology at York University. It was during his MSc that he first started to think about pursing a career in medicine. Realizing the need to take prerequisites for medical school and to prepare for the MCAT, he decided to return to university for an additional undergraduate. This, in combination with his love for spending time at the family cottage outside of North Bay, led to him attending Nipissing University for a BSc in Biology. He then completed medical school at the University of Ottawa before returning to North Bay for his Family Medicine residency at NOSM U. He envisions practicing rural/community Emergency Medicine, as well as Family Medicine as a career. Outside of medicine his hobbies include mountain/fat biking, golfing, canoe trips, and snowboarding.




Dr. Sebastian Diebel

Dr. Sebastian Diebel grew up in Nairn Centre, Ontario. He competed in the NCAA for the University of Mount Olive, North Carolina and completed an undergraduate degree in kinesiology prior to returning to Northern Ontario to complete studies at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay (master’s degree in Kinesiology) and Collège Boréal in Sudbury (Soins Paramédicaux). He completed both his medical undergraduate and Family Medicine residency at NOSM U. His hobbies include running, cross-country skiing, and spending time on the water.




Dr. Steph Houle

Dr. Steph Houle was born and raised in Sudbury Ontario, and completed his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering at Carleton University in Ottawa. He then completed medical school at NOSM U, and Family Medicine residency through McMaster University. Steph has always had a passion for sports which is likely what has drawn him to the fast-paced world of Emergency Medicine. He hopes to practice in both rural and urban ED’s in Northern Ontario. In his spare time, he loves to play guitar and enjoys listening to any and all genres of music.





Dr. Zoey Yao

Dr. Zoey Yao grew up in Northern Ontario and completed the majority of her education in Sudbury, Ontario before going out East for her Family Medicine residency. She has always had a passion for Emergency Medicine and is excited to be returning home! She has a special interest in minor procedures and simulation education. Outside of medicine, she enjoys hiking, traveling, and spending time at camp.