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Become a Registered Dietitian

Male dietitian teaching a young girl how to make a healthy smoothie.      Female dietitian showing food portion sizes for a nutrition counselling session.     Female dietitian enjoying the spring outdoors in Northern Ontario.

To become a Registered Dietitian in Canada requires the following steps:

  1. Graduation from an EQUAL accredited Canadian Undergraduate Program in Dietetics or equivalent
  2. Successful completion of an EQUAL accredited program of supervised practical experience (Dietetic Internship, Integrated Undergraduate program, or combined Masters/Practicum) or equivalent
  3. Successful completion of the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE).

Dietetics is a Regulated Health Profession

  • Dietetics is a regulated health profession; therefore, dietitians must register with a provincial regulatory body to practice.  Dietetics regulatory bodies serve to protect the public, by ensuring that Registered Dietitians (RDs) have the required competencies and practice in a safe and ethical manner.  Once students have completed academic and practical training requirements for dietetics, they are eligible to apply for temporary registration in order to practice.
  • To become full registrants, they must pass the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE).  The CDRE is a national examination that is administered by the Alliance of Canadian Dietetic Regulatory bodies.  The CDRE is designed to test practice-based knowledge, application, and critical thinking skills required to competently and safely practice dietetics.  Students who graduate from accredited dietetics internship programs including NODIP have a high success rate with the exam.