GROUP 3: Medical Residents Enrolled in Canadian Medical Schools (Other Than NOSM)
NOSM University welcomes residents from medical schools across Canada to experience the personal and professional advantages of living and working in Northern Ontario. Both core and elective applications are available, and available disciplines can be viewed in a dropdown menu on our online application.
Preceptor Stipends
NOSM University will pay your preceptor stipend.
Finding a Preceptor
Residents are discouraged from contacting their own preceptor. NOSM University will match you to a preceptor in your preferred area of specialty or community for you. If you do reach out to preceptors, or if you know some of our clinical faculty and would like to explore a placement opportunity with them, we respectfully request that you do not confirm final dates with them. This will permit us to follow our administrative processes which are designed to ensure that all learners have equitable access to the available placement opportunities in Northern Ontario.
Application Deadlines
For Ontario-based Visiting Residents:
- Application Deadline with NOSM Housing requested: 12 weeks before start date.
- Application Deadline without NOSM Housing requested: 8 weeks before start date.
For Out-of-Province-based Visiting Residents:
- Application Deadline requested: 12 weeks before start date (to give sufficient processing time for CPSO license applications).
If you still wish to submit an application after these deadlines due to exceptional circumstances please contact
Housing and Travel
**New Funding (i.e., travel and accommodations) through NOR-STaR Program for Visiting Residents performing electives in Northern Ontario between July 01, 2023 – March 31, 2026. Please review NOR-STaR Funding and Reimbursement Document for complete details on eligibility.**
Visiting learners and/or their faculty of medicine are responsible for their travel expenses and for sourcing and covering the cost of their housing. However, NOSM University does maintain many student housing units in communities across Northern Ontario, intended for students of NOSM University. If these are available during the time of your rotation, they can be made available at a subsidized rate of $500/week.
Because we must prioritize the housing needs of students and residents registered at NOSM University, we are not able to confirm housing until 4-8 weeks prior to the start of your rotation. As such, we encourage learners to secure their own housing. Once your placement is confirmed, NOSM University can provide contact information for people in your placement community, who can help you to source housing during your placement.
Required Documentation
- A Letter of Good Standing from the Director of your Postgraduate Program, which includes their approval of the elective request
- A recent photograph
- A recent copy of your immunization record, and Mask fit size and testing date
- Proof of current CPSO registration with effective coverage dates
- Proof of current CMPA registration with effective coverage dates
Out-of-Province Residents (additional information)
- A CPSO license is required to complete a placement in Ontario. Residents must contact the CPSO directly to obtain information regarding licensure.
- MANDATORY REQUIREMENT: An out-of-province resident must show proof of an valid CPSO license to the Community Relations Coordinator before the start date of the placement; otherwise, the placement will be cancelled.
Clinical teachers are dedicated to educating medical learners and often rearrange their clinical schedules to accommodate and welcome learners into their busy practices. When cancelling confirmed rotations, learners must comply with the DME-COFM cancellation policy.
Contact information
If you have any questions, kindly email