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This course is available 24 hours/ day so that you can complete it on your schedule.

Setting the Table: An Introduction to teaching and Practicing in Northern Ontario

* Practice evidence-based teaching strategies and prepare for teaching and practicing in Northern Ontario with our online modules!
* Practice your feedback-giving skills through interactive scenarios featuring the Ask-Tell-Ask and One-Minute Preceptor Feedback models.
* Learn key information about NOSM University, Northern Ontario communities, and social determinants of health that impact health care delivery in the North.
* Explore tip sheets and best practice guidelines to support you in the areas of teaching, orienting new learners, and creating safe learning environments.

Learning Objectives

* Establish a safe learning environment when providing feedback to learners in a clinical environment (Scholar).
* Identify characteristics and challenges of the Northern Ontario health care context (Health Advocate).
* Describe NOSM U’s Distributed Medical Education model and the structure of its core programs (Scholar).
* Apply the Ask-Tell-Ask and One-Minute Preceptor Feedback Models when providing feedback to learners in clinical contexts (Scholar).

For more information and to register, please visit the CEPD Learning HUB


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