Palliative Care Conference
Quality in Action – Our Northern Perspective
Friday, October 25, 2019
Delta Waterfront Hotel
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine’s (NOSM) Palliative Care Program Planning Committee would like to thank you for attending the 2019 Palliative Care Conference, held in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The conference offered a number of sessions covering a wide variety of palliative care topics.
Palliative Care Conference 2019 Agenda
This conference aimed to:
- Identify and understand the challenges of current palliative care provision in Northern Ontario.
- Develop a community of practice amongst palliative care providers in Northern Ontario, in all levels of palliative care (primary, secondary, and tertiary).
- Share local successes of quality palliative care in order to highlight sustainable initiatives in palliative care in Northern Ontario.
What it Takes to Create Meaningful and Lasting Change in Complex Systems PART 1
What it Takes to Create Meaningful and Lasting Change in Complex Systems PART 2
What it Takes to Create Meaningful and Lasting Change in Complex Systems PART 3
Dr. Hsien Seow
What Makes Rural Communities so Special?
Dr. Barbara Pesut
Communication: From Conversations to Connectedness PART 1
Communication: From Conversations to Connectedness PART 2
Dr. Maryse Bouvette
A1 – Pain Management & Opioids in Palliative Care
Rita Mannarino
A2 – Pathway to Palliative Care
Hali Pitawanakwat
A3 – Pediatric Palliative Care
Vicky Wilton
B1 – Palliative Wound Care – Tips and Tricks
Dr. Karen Booth & Cheryl Schultz
B2 – Palliative Care Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS)
Dr. Christine Pun
C2 – The Challenge of Place of Care: Hospice Suites in Acute Care Rural Hospitals
C2 – The Challenge of Place of Care: Hospice Suites in Acute Care Rural Hospitals SUMMARY
Dr. Frances Kilbertus, Dr. Maryse Bouvette, and Betty Smallwood
Simulating Goals of Care Conversations: Deliberate Practice Leads to Increased Self-Efficacy Poster
ARCH Hospice Supportive Care Poster
Greater Sudbury Paramedics – Improving Access to Palliative Care at Home Poster
Initiating Advance Care Planning Discussions in Primary and Palliative Care Poster