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NOSM appoints new Director of Indigenous Affairs

Iw Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) minwendaagwad wii-dibaadodaming onaabamind Yolanda Wanakamik ji-aawid Director of Indigenous Affairs inakamigak Binaakwii-Giizis 5, 2020. Onjibaa imaa Whitesand First Nation, imaa Anishinaabe-akiing wenji-ateg iw Robinson-Superior Adaandiwin, Yolanda omaamiikwendaanan mino-ayaawin, gikinoo’amaagewin miinawaa izhi-wiijiindiwin oodenaang. Obiidoonan anooji gegoo gikendamowin miinawaa nitaawichigewinan ji-doodaming maajiishkaawin miinawaa mino-bimaadiziwin imaa NOSM miinawaa odayaanan Honours Bachelor of Arts imaa Political Science miinawaa Master of Education imaa Educational Studies. Ozaa...

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The end of Summer: Teaming up for fall

Hello. Bonjour. Aaniin. Boozhoo. As summer comes to an end and the leaves begin to change, we’re gearing up for yet another academic year. Of course many of us have been working throughout the summer and in fact our post graduate programs have been well into their academic year.  I hope everyone was still able to revel in the smells of sunscreen, bonfires, the lake and camp, fresh fish, and forest air. I have to say that I have never seen such bright sunsets, heard such bounding thunder, nor experienced such brilliant rainbows as I did in Northern Ontario. To me, the mixed weather is a perfect metaphor for my first two months and ...

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Uniquely Northern

Hello. Bonjour. Aaniin. Boozhoo. These two weeks have taken me to Thunder Bay several times and meetings around Ontario, with more plans to travel to where NOSM must be represented; including communities further north, and at the Council of Ontario Faculties of Medicine, and the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada and the Colleges. It is critical that NOSM is seen in all these places, because NOSM is truly unique. No other voice can adequately represent the Northern perspective on health-care education. If not, we risk being unheard or left out of competing province-wide decisions and national strategies in resource allo...

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