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In the Spotlight

Meet Dr. Sujeenthar Tharmalingam: molecular biology researcher at NOSM University

When Dr. Sujeenthar Tharmalingam is asked about his work, he says he’s been told that perhaps he does a little too much. He runs a molecular biology lab at NOSM University where he supervises about 20 people from graduate students to post-doctoral fellows, and research assistants. His wide range of projects includes research in molecular biology, cancer biology, radiation biology, clinical research and diagnostics, and applied microbiology. “I like to do cutting edge research,” he says. “What drives me really is to be able to do research that can change our human health. That is the priority for me.” Some of this re...

Read more about Dr. Tharmalingam's work.

Dr. Dave McLinden Appointed Clinical Expansion Lead at NOSM University

NOSM University is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Dave McLinden as Clinical Expansion Lead, effective October 1, 2024. Dr. McLinden brings a wealth of experience and leadership to this pivotal role, driving the University's ambitious expansion goals and shaping the future of health-care education in Northern Ontario. Dr. McLinden has been a dedicated member of the NOSM University community since its inception, deeply invested in its mission and success. He has over 30 years of experience in rural clinical teaching, supporting both medical students and postgraduate medical learners across Northern Ontario. ...

Read about Dr. McLinden's appointment.

New Francophone Project supports high school students in acquiring new skills

Starting September 2024, NOSM University will offer medical discovery programs to students in French-language high schools enrolled in the Specialist High Skills Major in Health and Well-being and Grade 10 students in the Career Choices course. The project, “Trace ton parcours vers la médecine,” will offer workshops to engage students in health-care practices, stimulate their interest in health professions, and increase their potential of becoming doctors. The project will take place in 10 schools across Northern Ontario, reaching at least 50 students. Led by NOSM University’s Francophone Affairs Unit and Francophone medical...

Read more about the new Francophone project
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