In the Spotlight
New Curriculum Committee draws more faculty and site clinicians to the table
NOSM’s MD program has reorganized their functioning with the creation of a new sub-committee, the Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) Curriculum Committee. The committee’s task is to govern the entire MD program curriculum. Their focus is on unified curriculum content and program-wide integration, while the business and operations side remains the work of the UME Committee (UMEC). “It really allows us to focus on curriculum across the whole program,” says Dr. Tara Baldisera, co-chair of the new Curriculum Committee. “While curriculum discussions happened at the various theme and phase committees, now it is easier to connec...
Read more about NOSM new Curriculum Committee.Integrating career development and additional student success measures into NOSM’s MD Program
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is proactively looking at implementing and integrating career supports into the core curriculum for all medical students. This added measure is intentionally aimed at supporting student wellness and improving ongoing success. It is part of NOSM’s wider plan to expand and renew curriculum as the School matures. “It’s important to understand that in the first couple of years of medical school, curriculum develops and shapes students’ professional identities, helping them realize who they are as medical students and where their interests lie as future physicians,” says Dr. Jason Sh...
Read more.NOSM garden provides harvest for its Culinary Medicine Labs
When the call went out for volunteers for a Green Thumbs Committee at NOSM, Natalie Lefort was quick to answer. She is the School’s Research Laboratory Coordinator and has a flair for gardening. The group started out maintaining flower beds at NOSM at Laurentian University and shortly thereafter built a full-scale vegetable garden behind the medical school building. “I signed up to take care of landscaping and later on Kate Beatty asked if anyone wanted to build a garden in the back. Of course, I said ‘Yes!’ I took the lead on that, along with anyone who wanted to help,” says Lefort. The NOSM Healthy Workplace Group (HWG)...
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