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In the Spotlight

ECHO: Ontario firsts in Thunder Bay

From Oct 26-28, the ECHO SJGC Chronic Pain & Opioid Stewardship Hub hosted a three-day conference on paediatric and adult pain management at St. Joseph’s Care Group in Thunder Bay. Participants in the Project ECHO Boot Camp: Pain Across the Lifespan received hands-on training in workshops on topics including pain neurophysiology, pharmacology for paediatrics, mindfulness, transition from acute to chronic pain, medical marijuana, motivational interviewing, guided injections for common peripheral joint/soft tissue, de-prescribing opioids, and more. The training was accredited by the Continuing Education and Professional Developmen...

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NOSM alumnus leads research study

In a study presented Wednesday at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress in Boston, researchers from Western University showed that the STOP Narcotics protocol halved the amount of opioids prescribed after two types of outpatient surgery, while still adequately treating most patients' post-operative pain. The lead author of the study was Dr. Luke Hartford, a graduate of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine's MD program who is currently a general surgery resident at Western University. "By significantly reducing the amount of opioids prescribed, this decreases the exposure risk and potential for misuse of narcotic me...

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Dr. Elaine Hogard, NOSM Faculty Member,
Publishes Book on Quality Assurance in
University Teaching

Dr. Elaine Hogard, Professor of Program Evaluation in the Human Sciences Division and Director of UME Assessment at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, was presented with a copy of Handbook of Quality Assurance for University Teaching by the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) while at the book’s launch last week in London, England. The book was presented by Senior Officers of the SRHE, Rob Gresham and Franco Carta. The launch was attended by contributors and leading figures in Higher Education. Handbook of Quality Assurance for University Teaching, an anticipated international bestseller, is published jointly...

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