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NOSM to Establish Accredited Medical Physics Residency with Northern Academic Health Sciences Centres

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce another in a long list of collaborations with the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) in Thunder Bay and Health Sciences North (HSN) in Sudbury. The academic health sciences centres have partnered with NOSM to establish an accredited Medical Physics Residency Education Program (MPREP) to train medical physicists in the North, for the North. Medical physicists are health-care professionals with specialized training in the medical applications of physics. Their work often involves the use of x-rays, ultrasound, magnetic and electric fields, infrared...

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NOSM’s Indigenous Reference Group Gathers in Thunder Bay

Highlights include NOSM’s Response to the TRC’s Calls to Action and an introduction to the School’s Indigenous Health Curriculum Co-Lead for Postgraduate Education The Indigenous Reference Group (IRG) of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held a face-to-face meeting on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. Members began their one-day meeting with an opening prayer from Elder Tom Chisel, Traditional Knowledge Keeper, followed by a welcome from Dot Beaucage-Kennedy, Chair of NOSM’s Indigenous Reference Group. “Joining NOSM’s Indigenous Reference Group for the day was the School’s Circle of Elders and Knowledge Keep...

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NOSM Board Holds Face-to-Face Meeting in Sudbury

Highlights include a Tour of the HSN Simulation Lab,and NOSM’s Response to the TRC’s Calls to Action  The Northern Ontario School of Medicine’s (NOSM) Board of Directors held its annual face-to-face meeting in Sudbury on November 24 and 25, 2016. NOSM Board members began their two-day meeting with a tour of Health Sciences North’s Simulation Laboratory. A highly valued partner with the School, the Simulation Laboratory promotes high-quality educational activities across all health professions, including medicine, nursing, respiratory therapy, paramedicine, and other allied health professions. This year, NOSM’s Boar...

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NOSM and IISD Experimental Lakes Area Announce Research Collaboration

Partnership to focus on aquatic biosystems, environmental health  Environmental research programs at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and IISD Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA) have taken a leap forward with the establishment of a research collaboration agreement that will see scientists from both organizations working together on new studies related to environmental health. For decades, scientists at IISD-ELA have maintained a research infrastructure for tracking changes in aquatic biosystems resulting from climate change, nutrient loading, pollutants, invasive species, and many other alterations in the environment...

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Bruce Power Invests $5 Million in Health and Environment Research at Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Earlier today, Bruce Power announced that it will provide $5 million in funding to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) to conduct health research in Northern Ontario, specifically in relation to radiation and the environment. Bruce Power’s contributions to NOSM will consist of: A $5 million investment over the next five years to establish the Bruce Power Centre for Health and Environmental Research. The renewal of the Bruce Power Chair in Radiation and Health at NOSM, which was established in 2013. The provision of a free, clean energy electric car charging station that is open and available to the public, ...

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Nine New Members Appointed to NOSM Board of Directors

Outgoing Members Thanked for Outstanding Service Using a combination of web- and teleconference connectivity across Northern Ontario, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its Annual Members and Board of Directors meetings on Wednesday, September 21, 2016. Board members Dr. Roger Couture, Dr. George Doig, Dr. Lori Livingston, Dr. Krista Marcotte, Ben Petersen, Tim Pile, Angela Robson, and Carolyn Sinclair were thanked for their significant contributions to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, as their terms completed at this meeting. At the recommendation of the Board’s Governance Committee and Nominations an...

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NOSM Partners with HealthForceOntario to Improve Access to Health Care in the North

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and HealthForceOntario Marketing and Recruitment Agency (HFO MRA) have signed a collaboration agreement in order to increase access to health professionals in Northern Ontario. The goal of this collaboration agreement is to help create sustainable health systems in the communities of Northern Ontario, resulting in better health outcomes for patients in the North. Specifically, NOSM and HFO MRA will look to: Increase health professionals in Northern Ontario, especially physicians practising in high needs areas, including Indigenous, Francophone, remote, rural, and underserved communit...

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NOSM and AFMC Launch New Portal for Medical Electives

Yesterday, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) joined the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)’s Student Portal, an online system through which Canadian and international undergraduate medical students can apply for unique medical electives in Northern Ontario. A national information hub and centralized application service, the AFMC Student Portal provides a one-stop shop for medical students looking for electives in Canada. Visiting Canadian and international undergraduate medical students are now able to visit the Student Portal to learn about placements across Canada—including clinical placemen...

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