The Noojamadaa Exhibit: Indigenous Perspectives on Healthy Relationships
The Noojamadaa Exhibit is a stunning new photovoice collection on display now through April 1, 2017, at the McEwen School of Architecture in Sudbury. Noojamadaa means “let’s heal” and the exhibit provides a safe space for Indigenous and non‐Indigenous peoples to reflect on our shared journey towards wellness, through contemplation of our relationships with one another and our surroundings. Over the past year, a research team—led by Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) Associate Professor Dr. Marion Maar—has collaborated with Manitoulin First Nations communities and health organizations on research in support of heal...
Read MoreHealth Science Library
Pay It Forward! The Health Sciences Library of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) welcomes gifts, as they are an important means of building the Library’s collection. The Library adheres to the protocols and procedures established by NOSM’s Advancement Office and Revenue Canada. A gift can be a book, journal or other resource that is given to the Library at no charge; a gift may also be a monetary donation to be used towards the purchase of library materials. For assistance, please contact Donors: Donors will be expected to deliver the gifts at their own expense. A Gift Approval For...
Pay It Forward!The Noojamadaa Exhibit
Indigenous Perspectives on Healthy Relationships The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) invites the public to the grand opening of The Noojamadaa Exhibit. Over the past year, a research team led by NOSM Associate Professor Dr. Marion Maar has collaborated with Manitoulin First Nations communities and organizations on a photovoice project to support healthy relationships and counteract intimate partner violence. In photovoice methodology, participants are invited to take photographs and share their narratives to stimulate community action. As part of the methodology, Maar and Beaudin Bennett (Masters of Indigenous Relations pr...
Read MoreIndigenous Community Partners Gather at NOSM
First-year medical students at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) spend four weeks in an Indigenous community during one of their Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) modules. Each of the communities that host students has a Local Community Coordinator (LCC) to help orient the students and support them during their experience in the Indigenous community. Each year, medical students, faculty, staff, Elders, and LCCs come together for a two-day workshop to prepare students for their time in the Indigenous communities. This workshop—led and coordinated by NOSM’s Office of Indigenous Affairs with the support of Learner Aff...
Read MoreMedical School Launches Library Endowment Fund
Last week, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) launched its Library Endowment Fund Campaign in support of the School’s Health Sciences Library. The launch took place in both Sudbury and Thunder Bay at the “I ♥ NOSM” Open House, where more than 200 community members, alumni, students, residents, staff, faculty, donors, potential applicants, and partners visited NOSM. The Endowment Fund was established to offset the rising costs of the School's Health Sciences Library. (Watch the video of the Launch in Sudbury on NOSM’s Facebook page.) Each year, NOSM is involved in the education of more than 900 ...
Read MoreHSNRI, Laurentian University, and NOSM Partnership Strengthens Northern Research Opportunities
An Affiliation Agreement has been reached between Health Sciences North Research Institute (HSNRI), Laurentian University (LU) and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) to enhance research collaboration between the three institutions. With the shared objective of striving to improve the health of residents of Northern Ontario, Health Sciences North Research Institute at Health Sciences North will be officially affiliated with Laurentian University and NOSM. The three institutions will seek to share resources thereby minimizing unnecessary duplication of any common infrastructure and maximizing research efficiency. “This agr...
Read MoreNOSM’s Annual Health Sciences Summer Camp
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) maintains a commitment to providing information to rural, remote, Indigenous, and Francophone youth about health careers. This year, the School will host its annual Health Sciences Summer Camp from July 10 – 14, 2017 at NOSM at Laurentian University in Sudbury and from July 17 – 21, 2017 at NOSM at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. These week-long programs provide high school students with an opportunity to explore health-care careers, obtain hands-on experience, and find a student-mentor. Camp activities include: casting and x-rays; CSI; physiology and anatomy; suturing, Franc...
Read MoreStudy from NOSM Researcher Explains Poorer Health Outcomes in Indigenous Patients with Diabetes
In Canada, rates of type 2 diabetes are three to five percent higher in Indigenous peoples when compared to non-Indigenous peoples. Not only this, but Indigenous Canadians typically have poorer health outcomes during treatment of diabetes. A study published today in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) states that Indigenous peoples in Canada with type 2 diabetes experience culturally unsafe health care—a factor that may cause poorer health outcomes. Dr. Kristen Jacklin, Associate Professor at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and five of her colleagues conducted a national study that investigated Indigen...
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