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CIBC donates $150,000 to NOSM to promote Indigenous learner leadership and mentorship

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) has received a donation from CIBC to launch a new initiative that will promote and recognize Indigenous learner leadership and mentorship through an awards program. These awards will improve learning and networking opportunities for NOSM Indigenous students who have exhibited exceptional leadership within their community. “CIBC’s generous support of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine’s award program will support the Indigenous academic medical community in the North,” says Dr. Sarita Verma, NOSM Dean, President and CEO. “We have seen incredible leadership from our Indigenou...

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A Message from The Dean, President and CEO as NOSM Celebrates 59 New MDs

Congratulations, NOSM MD Class of 2020! Today, Wednesday, May 20, you become physicians as 59 MD degrees are conferred in absentia. Though this year’s graduating class must forego our normal convocation ceremonies at Lakehead University and Laurentian University, we recognize your achievements and we are tremendously proud of your accomplishments. You’re entering a noble profession—one that today is even more needed and more inspirational than ever. Your family and friends have supported and cared for you during this journey through medical school, and we owe them all a big thank you. The Class of 2020 has proven to be resili...

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NOSM hosts virtual Board meeting during COVID-19 outbreak

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its regular board meeting on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 using telephone and online technology to accommodate a virtual meeting. Highlights of the discussion and decisions include: Sarita Verma, NOSM Dean, President and CEO, provided the Board with an update regarding the monitoring of COVID-19 for NOSM learners, faculty and staff. The Financial Report ending January 31, 2020 was reviewed and approved as presented to the Board. A revised Faculty Appointment and Reappointment Policy was approved. Each of the standing committees reported updates. A key focus over the pas...

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Strato Family Endowment will support students and better access to care in the North

Stan and Judy Strato of Sudbury recently made an impressive gift of $155,425 to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM). The gift will establish the Strato Family Endowment. “We are not public people but we know how important it is to give back,” says Judy, a retired nurse and former director of imaging services at the former Sudbury General Hospital. “I have always been aware of the shortage of physicians in the North and I was extremely happy to see the medical school come to fruition. With this donation, it is hoped that others may be encouraged to do the same.” Stan says his own cancer diagnosis led to many exper...

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Northern physicians and workforce strategy focus of two new NOSM roles

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce two new roles with a focus on supporting northern physicians and workforce strategy. Driven by the need to create greater health equity for rural, remote, Francophone and Indigenous communities, NOSM is focused on building workforce capacity and introducing innovative models of care that will lead to more equitable access to care for patients in Northern Ontario. “Providing professional development opportunities specific to our region’s realities is a key part of improving quality care in Northern Ontario and retaining physicians to rural and remote communities,...

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NOSM Board of Directors Seeks Five Members

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is seeking five (5) individuals to join the Board of Directors in September 2020. If you share NOSM’s commitment to improve health care access for the people and communities in Northern Ontario, this is an ideal opportunity for you. NOSM’s vision of Innovative education and research for a healthier North means we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing high-quality education to physicians and health professionals, and continue to be a leader in distributed, learning-centred, community-engaged education and research. The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is seeking individ...

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Coronavirus Information for NOSM Community

Dear members of the NOSM community, The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is continuing to monitor the Novel Coronavirus situation. We are following the World Health Organization, Public Health Ontario and other guidelines in addressing the Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Risk at NOSM remains low. In light of recent headlines about incidents towards people of Asian origin during these types of outbreaks, please remember to be respectful and kind to one another and avoid speculating or stereotyping. Accurate information and wisdom should be guiding our actions in times of public health emergencies. Sharing inaccurate informatio...

Visit NOSM's Coronavirus Information page to learn more.

NOSM Welcomes New Associate Program Director

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Ariella Zbar to the position of Associate Program Director for the Public Health and Preventive Medicine (PHPM) residency program, effective January 2020. Dr. Zbar is an Assistant Professor at NOSM and Associate Medical Officer of Health at Public Health Sudbury and Districts where she provides preceptorship for PHPM trainees. She is a graduate of the Queen's University PHPM Residency Program and brings three years of experience as a local public health physician practicing in Northern Ontario in the areas of communicable disease, health promo...

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