Media Releases
Medical Council of Canada Celebrates Centenary Year
On May 29, 2012, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) was honoured to host a special reception and faculty development workshop in celebration of the Medical Council of Canada's (MCC) centenary year. To mark this milestone, the MCC is sponsoring events at each of Canada's medical schools. NOSM was the first to be able to congratulate the MCC on 100 years. Representing the MCC at the reception, which included the viewing of a celebration video, was MCC President Dr. Michael Marrin, and MCC Executive Director Dr. M. Michael Ian Bowmer. A workshop titled "The Art of Writing Good Multiple Choice Questions for High-Stakes Exam...
Read MoreEngaging Local Researchers and Students in Topics Relating to the People and Communities in Northern Ontario
Earlier this month, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) hosted concurrent research conferences in Thunder Bay at Lakehead University. NOSM's seventh annual Northern Health Research Conference (NHRC) and the 7th Meeting of the Canadian Oxidative Stress Consortium (COSC) attracted over 150 delegates from across the country and around the world. "The Northern Ontario School of Medicine was delighted to host the Northern Health Research Conference and the Canadian Oxidative Stress Consortium meeting concurrently in Thunder Bay this year," said Dr. Greg Ross, NOSM Associate Dean, Research. "Innovative Education and Research for ...
Read MoreNOSM Announces New Assistant Dean, Learner Affairs
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Laura Piccinin to the role of Assistant Dean, Learner Affairs. Dr. Piccinin, who has been actively involved in medical education in Northern Ontario for more than a dozen years, is an MD graduate of McMaster University and completed Family and Emergency Medicine residency training in Northeastern Ontario. Dr. Piccinin has taught extensively at the medical undergraduate and postgraduate levels, both academically and clinically in the Emergency Department at Health Sciences North. At NOSM, Dr. Piccinin has been the Assistant Director and Prog...
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