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Media Releases

NOSM Faculty and Learners Honoured by the College of Family Physicians of Canada

On Saturday, November 9, 2013, faculty and learners of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) were presented with a variety of awards of distinction for their dedication and contribution to family medicine. These awards were presented at the College of Family Physicians of Canada's (CFPC) national conference, the Family Medicine Forum, held in Vancouver, BC. It is with great excitement that NOSM announces the following accolades: NOSM's Medical Director of Faculty Development, Dr. James Goertzen of Thunder Bay, Ontario was awarded the highly prestigious Ian McWhinney Family Medicine Education Award. NOSM Assistant Prof...

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Roger Strasser Reappointed as Dean of NOSM Until 2019

Dr. Roger Strasser, Dean of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, has been reappointed for a non-renewable five-year term as Dean beginning on July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2019. Dr. Strasser's renewal was recommended by a 14 member Review Committee composed of members nominated by the Boards of NOSM, Laurentian University and Lakehead University, the Senates of Laurentian University and Lakehead University, NOSM's Academic Council, and NOSM's Executive Group. The recommendation to renew Dr. Strasser for an additional five-year term was approved by the Boards of NOSM, Laurentian University and Lakehead University. Since ta...

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NOSM Hosts Delegation from Northern Sweden

From October 7-9, 2013, NOSM hosted a delegation of medical educators and health service administrators who travelled from Northern Sweden to learn from NOSM's successful model of distributed, socially accountable medical education and research. Communities in Northern Sweden are experiencing severe shortages of health professionals. The north of Sweden encompasses 50 percent of the country's geography, but holds only 10 percent of the population. Approximately 30 to 40 percent of family physician positions are vacant in the region - a problem that educators and administrators are having a difficult time addressing. Comprised of me...

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