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Media Releases

NOSM with Flinders University Hold Fourth Medical Education Conference Exploring Community-Engaged Medical Education

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) hosted Muster 2014, a conference on socially accountable, community-engaged medical education. Co-hosted with Flinders University School of Medicine, Muster 2014 brought delegates together in Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia (known commonly as Ayers Rock) to share, learn, develop, and explore best practices in medical education and research. Muster 2014 was the fourth medical education conference hosted by the two schools of medicine, who share a commitment to educating health professionals to address underserved areas. Muster 2014 was preceded by two conferences in Northern Ontario, ...

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Four New Members Appointed to NOSM Board of Directors

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its Annual Members and Board of Directors meetings on Wednesday, September 24, 2014.  These meetings were video-conferenced between  Lakehead University in Thunder Bay and Laurentian University in Sudbury, with other members participating via tele- and web-conference. Board members Kevin Cleghorn and Dr. Kathryn Gibson were thanked for their significant contribution to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, as their terms completed September 24, 2014. At the recommendation of the Board's Governance Committee and Nominations and Community Relations Subcommittee, the Board appoi...

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NOSM Researcher Participating in $55.5M National Dementia Initiative

On Wednesday, September 10, 2014, the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Federal Minister of Health, announced the launch of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA), a national initiative aimed at tackling the growing onset of dementia and related illnesses and improving the lives of Canadians with these illnesses and their families and caregivers. Led by Dr. Howard Chertkow, a cognitive neurologist and co-founder and director of the Jewish General Hospital / McGill Memory Clinic, the CCNA brings together 20 research teams and experts from across Canada to focus research on three themes: delaying the onset of dementia and r...

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