Media Releases
New funding to explore expansion of access to smoking cessation interventions for priority populations
NOSM University and Lakehead University researcher and joint faculty member, Dr. Patricia Smith, is exploring options to expand access to evidence-based smoking cessation interventions. The project has received $302,413 in funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada's Healthy Canadians and Communities Fund (HCCF). First Response Mental Health will be partnering on the grant with matched in-kind funding and a customized version of their PeerConnect proactive peer support management app. Smoking remains the single most preventable cause of premature death and disease in Canada, causing more than 40 diseases and other serious heal...
Read more.NOSM University medical student honoured with Canadian Medical Hall of Fame award
Nusha Ramsoondar, NOSM University medical student, receives the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) Award for 2022. The award recognizes medical students who have completed their second year of study and exemplify perseverance, collaboration and an entrepreneurial spirit. Recipients have an established track record of community leadership, superior communication skills and demonstrated interest in advancing knowledge. “I am honoured and grateful to be chosen to receive this award,” says Ms. Ramsoondar. “I feel very privileged to be a medical student at NOSM University and even more so that I’m able to support my peers through m...
Read more.NOSM University researcher receives grant from Canadian Space Agency to study the effects of space on the human body
Dr. David MacLean, NOSM University Professor, received $150,000 over two years from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) to study the effects of space flight on the human body and gain insights into counteracting associated health risks. The project, titled Investigating the role of a multi-targeted dietary supplement on attenuating radiation and microgravity-induced tissue damage, will study how the combined effects of radiation and microgravity interact and damage healthy tissue using a research model that simulates space flight. Dr. MacLean will deduce whether a dietary supplement can counteract the damaging effects of space travel and ...
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