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In the Spotlight

Rural emergency medicine: Learning from a fatal head-on collision in Wawa

  “It was pitch black on the highway. There was no light, except for the vehicle that had caught on fire and the headlights from police cars. We used our ambulance headlights to see,” says Derek Blanchet, Primary Care Paramedic. He and fellow paramedic Zoltan Pinter were the first responders to arrive on the scene on Sunday, August 19, 2018. Blanchet and Pinter were responding to a two-vehicle, head-on collision on Highway 17, 20 minutes south of Wawa at 10:30 p.m. The first car hit a moose then collided into the oncoming car. The result was a Multiple Casualty Incident (MCI) involving nine people: two pediatric of the sev...

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Hurricanes, wildfires and the Opioid crisis: How one NOSM Resident won a national award for social accountability

Dr. Lloyd Douglas was involved in public health before he was even old enough to realize it. “In Jamaica—when I was just a teenager—when a hurricane came my way I was the guy running around bringing people out of the way.” What started as volunteer work, became real public health experience. At a young age, Dr. Douglas was assisting with emergency planning and response to Jamaica’s hurricane season. The experience would lead him onto his path of becoming a doctor. “That passion was always inside of me and I’ve always really wanted to help.” Fast forward to April 2019,and Dr. Douglas was the only medical reside...

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Study published in leading American medical journal shares NOSM’s Indigenous application process

A Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) study, Tracking Indigenous Applicants Through the Admissions Process of a Socially Accountable Medical School, was recently published in the Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. The team of NOSM researchers studied the School’s admissions over the course of 10 years to determine if it was meeting its social accountability mandate. The study examined the application and interview process from 2006 to 2015, and outcomes for self-identified Indigenous applicants. It took into consideration the applicant’s age, sex, rural background, admission scores, and performance dur...

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