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In the Spotlight

It takes a village

Wasaya Airways and partners support NOSM University students’ second annual menstrual product drive Ashley Perreault and Lucie Ménard, medical students at NOSM University, have wrapped-up their second annual menstrual product drive—this year for the fly-in community of Kingfisher Lake First Nation. In February 2022, they set a goal to raise $10,000 to cover the costs of the menstrual products, cleaning supplies, and shipping. They reached their goal by May 2022, raising a total of $10,003.21. Funds were raised through their GoFundMe campaign, as well as generous donations from RBC, Dollarama, and NOSM University’s Indigenous Affa...

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Two new enhanced skills residency programs launched at NOSM University

NOSM University is launching two new enhanced skills medical residency programs in Addiction Medicine and Sport and Exercise Medicine. Resident doctors who have completed a two-year family medicine program can now apply to a third year of family medicine training in the Addiction Medicine and Sport and Exercise Medicine programs. Available to resident doctors from across Canada, the programs will help improve equitable access to health care for Northerners. “By adding these fields of study to our residency programs, we are providing more learning opportunities for new family physicians to expand their expertise,” says Dr. Rob Ander...

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A corner piece of Ontario’s health-care puzzle: Recognizing rehabilitation professionals and the need to grow training in Northern Ontario

For Denise Taylor, the real beauty of rehabilitation is that services are client-centered. A physiotherapist and manager of the Northwest Regional Rehabilitative Care program at St. Joseph's Care Group in Thunder Bay, Denise is an Assistant Professor at NOSM University. “We find out what's important to you [clients], set goals and move little bits along the way to get you back to that level that you want to be at; as functional as possible,” she says. Rehabilitative care is provided across a variety of settings and aims to transition and support people in successfully returning to activities of daily living. Rehabilitation disciplin...

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