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NOSM’s Indigenous Reference Group Elects New Co-Chairs

The Indigenous Reference Group (IRG) of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held a face-to-face meeting in Thunder Bay on Tuesday, May 16, 2017. A highlight of the one-day meeting was the election of the group’s two new Co-Chairs, Drs. Chuck Branch and Shannon Wesley. The two NOSM faculty members are husband and wife, and physicians practising at Aurora Family Health Clinic in Thunder Bay. The IRG also welcomed new member Mr. Gary Martin, a representative from the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres. Members began the meeting with an opening prayer from Elder Cameron Burgess, followed by drumming and s...

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The Noojamadaa Exhibit: Indigenous Perspectives on Healthy Relationships

The Noojamadaa Exhibit is a stunning new photovoice collection on display now through April 1, 2017, at the McEwen School of Architecture in Sudbury. Noojamadaa means “let’s heal” and the exhibit provides a safe space for Indigenous and non‐Indigenous peoples to reflect on our shared journey towards wellness, through contemplation of our relationships with one another and our surroundings. Over the past year, a research team—led by Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) Associate Professor Dr. Marion Maar—has collaborated with Manitoulin First Nations communities and health organizations on research in support of heal...

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The Noojamadaa Exhibit

Indigenous Perspectives on Healthy Relationships The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) invites the public to the grand opening of The Noojamadaa Exhibit. Over the past year, a research team led by NOSM Associate Professor Dr. Marion Maar has collaborated with Manitoulin First Nations communities and organizations on a photovoice project to support healthy relationships and counteract intimate partner violence. In photovoice methodology, participants are invited to take photographs and share their narratives to stimulate community action. As part of the methodology, Maar and Beaudin Bennett (Masters of Indigenous Relations pr...

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