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Social Accountability

Addressing the priority health concerns of Northern Ontario Social accountability is one of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine’s core values. In fact, NOSM was the first medical school in Canada established with an explicit social accountability mandate. This means that NOSM is dedicated to addressing the priority health concerns of the people and communities of Northern Ontario. As part of its social accountability mandate, NOSM also has the responsibility to engage stakeholders at all levels of its broad community. More information about NOSM’s Vision, Mission and Values is available here. Read more about NOSM's Soci...

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Welcome to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine’s new website!

Launched on June 20, 2018, our new website is more functional, accessible and easier to navigate. We are excited about this update, but we know there is still room for improvement. Share your comments, questions, concerns and suggestions at any time using the Give Feedback button on the bottom-right corner of your screen. If you have difficulty submitting the feedback form, please email your suggestions to Your feedback is appreciated!  ...

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Alumnus takes on Leadership Role

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Paul Miron as Program Director of the School’s Family Medicine Residency Program, effective June 30, 2018. Miron—an alumnus of NOSM’s MD program—is a family physician and clinician-educator who practices in Timmins, Ontario where he has been the Family Medicine Residency Program Site Director for the past four years. He obtained his faculty appointment at NOSM five years ago and has been teaching medical students and residents in the classroom and clinical setting ever since. As Site Director, Miron undertook a comprehensive review and...

More on Dr. Miron's appointment.