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NOSM Alumna Deployed to Frontlines of COVID-19 Crisis

Dr. Heather Galbraith, NOSM alumna and Lieutenant Commander with the Royal Canadian Navy, was among 125 members of the Canadian Armed Forces deployed to Quebec’s long term care homes to help the province deal with the COVID-19  crisis. NOSM Alumna Deployed to Frontlines of COVID-19 Crisis [KGVID width="640" height="360"][/KGVID]        ...

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NOSM celebrates 15 years working with Local Community Coordinators

First-year medical students at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) spend four weeks in an Indigenous community as part of their Integrated Community Experience (ICE). Since 2006, NOSM has relied on Local Community Coordinators (LCC) to guide and support medical students while they are there. The LCC role is key to the success of the community placement experience. This year will be the exception. Due to COVID-19 alternative learning plans are being considered to deliver this important and unique experience to NOSM students. “For many students, it is a transformative experience,” says Dr. Lorrilee McGregor, NOSM Assistan...

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NOSM Family Doctor, Business Owner and Designer Fight COVID-19

Apparel 4 a Cause, began when Peter Rocca decided to take the knowledge he acquired as a sports clothing owner and bring his skill-set to the ring in the fight against COVID-19. When physician, Dr. Robert J. Pastre (NOSM Charter Class Alumnus) came upon Mr. Rocca's Fight Against COVID shirt, he immediately fell in love with the concept and thus Apparel 4 aCause was born. The two started sharing ideas and aspirations regarding a T-shirt campaign to bring attention to the current pandemic and contacted a local designer, Daniella Flores to join the team. The company's campaign is built on social accountability and community...

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