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The Slaight Family Foundation donates $1 million to NOSM to support BIPOC women in medicine

The Slaight Family Foundation is donating $1 million to support 40 Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) women medical students attending the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and who live in Northern Ontario. The donation will establish a first-of-its-kind entrance scholarship to both increase the number of BIPOC women physicians—including transgender and non-binary people—in Northern Ontario and contribute to the overall number of doctors in the region. “I am deeply grateful to The Slaight Family Foundation for this gift to NOSM,” says Dr. Sarita Verma, Dean, President and CEO of the Northern Ontario Schoo...

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Recognizing NOSM’s Black leaders during Black History Month

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate Black culture and the many contributions made by Black leaders—learners, physicians, academics and staff—at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM). The accounts of racism in medicine and the events of the past few years amplify the importance of the NOSM’s anti-racism movement. As a medical school, we are boldly implementing a culture of anti-racism at all levels of the School. NOSM remains committed to removing social and economic barriers to medical school for Black youth and is making tangible improvements to the admissions process, curricular reform and BIPOC-led ...

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NOSM researchers study Indigenous vaccine confidence in Northern Ontario

Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) researchers are partnering with Indigenous communities and organizations to strengthen vaccine confidence among Indigenous youth. Drs. Marion Maar, Associate Professor, Medical Anthropology and Maurianne Reade, Associate Professor, Clinical Sciences Division and a rural generalist family physician on Manitoulin, are principal research investigators for the project, Co-Creating Vaccine Confidence: An Anishinabe Theatre-based Approach to Strengthen Indigenous Youth and Young Adult Vaccination Support. Funded for $200,000 over two years by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)...

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