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Indigenous Stories

NOSM Alum, Dr. Doris Mitchell, puts her #patientsfirst

This is Dr. Doris Mitchell. After graduating in 2010 ago she moved back to her hometown of Chapleau, Ontario, in order to provide health care to the people in her community. Watch how she puts her #patientsfirst. [embed][/embed]...

Watch the TVO documentary featuring Dr. Doris Mitchell.

Study published in leading American medical journal shares NOSM’s Indigenous application process

A Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) study, Tracking Indigenous Applicants Through the Admissions Process of a Socially Accountable Medical School, was recently published in the Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. The team of NOSM researchers studied the School’s admissions over the course of 10 years to determine if it was meeting its social accountability mandate. The study examined the application and interview process from 2006 to 2015, and outcomes for self-identified Indigenous applicants. It took into consideration the applicant’s age, sex, rural background, admission scores, and performance dur...

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Research and Reconciliation

Throughout history, health research has largely ignored Indigenous people’s perspectives and knowledge. Outside researchers have often proceeded without engaging with, or gaining informed consent from, the communities or individuals. The Manitoulin Anishnaabek Research Review Committee (MARRC) serves as a community research ethics board for the First Nation communities of Manitoulin Island. The committee, chaired by Dr. Lorrilee McGregor, Assistant Professor of Indigenous Health at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, is comprised of representatives from the Manitoulin First Nation communities including Elders, academic and c...

Read more in the latest issue of The Scope.