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Alumni Stories

A graduate who overcame incredible challenges

Dr. Jenny Thomas’ journey to medical school was one of sheer grit and determination in the face of surmounting obstacles. Her ability to overcome speaks volumes about her personal fortitude. What she hopes readers will take away is the inspiration to pursue a personal dream. As a child, Jenny felt a burning desire to learn and describes herself as mesmerized by the sciences, however her family couldn’t afford the cost of university tuition. “Medical school was a goal as far back as I can remember. I love science and I love learning, but my family didn’t have the money,” she says. It wasn’t until later in life—after Je...

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Indigenous graduate says inclusiveness and advocacy a strength

Dr. Meghan Beals says NOSM sparked her desire to explore her own Indigeneity. “I definitely overcame a lot of personal learning about my own culture during my four years at NOSM. I grew up off reserve and I didn’t have as much cultural exposure so there was a lot of personal growth and learning about my own Miꞌkmaq culture and the different inequities that Indigenous persons face in health care,” she says. Meghan says her fondest memories stem from the in-person clinical community placements she experienced during her third year, prior to the pandemic. During those placements she built strong relationships with faculty and fel...

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Cultural diversity and Operation Remote Immunity were highlights of Francophone graduates’ NOSM experience

Dr. Dominique Lachapelle, a Francophone graduate of NOSM’s MD Class of 2021, says lessons in resilience and collaboration will serve her well in future. “Medical school was challenging. It gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, learn from community placements, mentors and explore the rich cultural diversity of Northern Ontario,” she says. This winter Dominique volunteered with Operation Remote Immunity, which she describes as a highlight of her medical school experience. She assisted with the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out in North Spirit Lake, Kashechewan, and Attawapiskat and was able to get credit for an elect...

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