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Finance & Procurement

The Finance Unit is responsible for the development, maintenance and provision of financial management systems, preparation of operational and capital budgets, payment of invoices and reimbursements for goods and services acquired by the University, accounts receivable, recording financial transactions of the University, and reporting financial results to both internal and external users.

The Finance Unit reports directly to the Vice-President, Administration & Chief Operating Officer and is responsible for the provision of reliable and relevant financial information and quality financial services. In this capacity, the Unit’s objective is to promote fiscal responsibility and accountability over the expenditure of NOSM University funds. The Unit also provides financial system training and support to NOSM University faculty and staff.

Contact Information

Lance Dyll
Associate Vice-President, Finance and Administration
Tel: 807-766-7333

Rina Pratola
Executive Assistant, Finance and Administration
Tel: 807-766-7526

Dan Burrell
Director, Budget and Audit Services
Tel: 807-766-7378

Dana Muggeridge
Financial Analyst
Tel: 807-766-7489

Lori Piccolo
Director, Financial and Procurement Services
Tel: 807-766-7308

Regina Mertz
Financial Services Coordinator
Tel: 807-766-7359

Chelsey Muller
Financial and Student Accounts Coordinator
Tel: 807-766-7493

Whitney Allan
Financial and Administrative Services Clerk
Tel: 807-766-7364

Rosanna Hathazi
Financial and Administrative Services Clerk
Tel: 807-766-7307

Deborah Modin
Financial and Administrative Services Clerk
Tel: 807-766-7429

Laura Pattison
Financial and Administrative Services Clerk
Tel: 807-766-7524

Ashley Towill
Financial and Administrative Services Clerk
Tel: 807-766-7383

Lisa Hamilton
Manager, Procurement Services
Tel: 807-766-7483

Sarah Powell
Procurement Officer, Procurement Services
Tel: 807-766-7316

Renata Weber
Procurement Clerk, Procurement Services
Tel: 807-766-7329

General Inquiries


Fax:  807-766-7352