On May 31, 2023, the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS) issued its decision letter and findings to NOSM University in follow-up to the accreditation Limited Site Visit of the MD program conducted in October 2022. The Limited Site Visit was focused on 23 elements identified as either “Satisfactory with a need for monitoring” or “Unsatisfactory” after the Full Site Visit in 2020 or as potentially concerning due to the insolvency proceedings at Laurentian University.
The CACMS decision was to continue the accreditation for the remainder of the 8-year term with the next full accreditation to take place in the fall of 2028. Of the 96 required elements, the final status was deemed to be “Satisfactory (S)” in 89 elements, “Satisfactory with a need for Monitoring (SM)” in 4 elements and “Unsatisfactory (U)” in 3 elements – as illustrated in the following colour-coded table: