Building a culture of wellness, respect, and equity
Posted on October 26, 2023
NOSM University fosters inclusiveness by supporting an environment that embraces differences in staff, faculty and learners and respectfully creates value from the differences to leverage talent and foster both individual and organizational excellence. We are creating a climate where learners, faculty, staff, and patients can expect the highest standards of respect, kindness and professional collegiality and civility. By embracing and learning from our differences—race, gender, abilities, backgrounds, beliefs, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and our infinite number of inherent and acquired traits—we truly become inclusive.
As part of this work, the Black Medical Students’ Association of Canada (BMSAC) and the Black Physicians of Canada are organizations that NOSM University supports and endorses to address racial discrimination and underrepresentation in health-care education. Our advocacy takes an intersectional approach to developing a diverse health-care community in which Black medical students, physicians and health-care providers can thrive and feel safe. NOSM University has scholarships such as the Slaight Family Foundation’s entrance scholarship for BIPOC women—including transgender and non-binary people; financial support for learners to attend annual general meetings; and representation at events. We are proud that Brieanne Olibris will be the first NOSM University medical student to serve on the BMSAC Executive Council as Director of Student Affairs.