Dr. Caitlyn Vlasschaert recently awarded the Emerging-Generation Award
Posted on March 2, 2023
Dr. Caitlyn Vlasschaert, NOSM University alumna Class of 2019, was recently awarded the Emerging-Generation Award by the American Society of Clinician Investigators (ASCI). The Emerging Generation Awards recognize post-MD, pre-faculty appointment physician-scientists who are meaningfully engaged in immersive research and provide a two-year longitudinal experience for twenty early-career awardees. Dr. Vlasschaert is the only Canadian recipient of this very competitive award.
Dr. Vlasschaert is a trainee in the Clinician-Investigator Program with the ASCI and is concurrently undertaking an internal medicine residency and a PhD in Translational Medicine at Queen’s University. She holds a Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) doctoral scholarship and has published more than 20 peer-reviewed manuscripts, including 15 as first author. She aspires to become a clinician-scientist at the nexus of nephrology and genetics.