NOSM student from Timmins aspires to be a hometown doctor
Posted on November 3, 2021
Sébastien Labelle is a second year Francophone medical student at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM). He holds an undergraduate degree in biomedical science from the University of Ottawa, where he studied solely in French.
“I was a little nervous about coming to NOSM to study in English for the first time, but I have been very well supported here,” Sébastien says. “The Francophone Affairs team at NOSM, specifically Danielle Barbeau-Rodrigue and Laïla Faivre, have been a great support and have ensured I can secure placements in French.”
Sébastien says he is inspired by his family—his uncle, who is a surgeon in Timmins, and his family members who travel out of town for care, many of whom face challenges receiving care in English.
Although the curriculum is taught in English, Sébastien says that he speaks entirely in French with his Francophone classmates while in Thunder Bay. He welcomes the opportunities to access French sessions, which include medical terminology and learning how to take a patient history in French. Sébastien has also been pleasantly surprised by those interested in learning more about care in the French language.
“I’ve noticed that a lot of Anglophone students ask to sit in and observe how we interview and take a patient’s history in French.” He appreciates his classmate’s genuine interest in the Franco-Ontarian dialect, medical terminology and Active Offer.
Sébastien is currently part of a research team that will be interviewing Francophone NOSM graduates to determine how participating in the French-language opportunities shaped their learning experiences, student identity, and career decisions. Sébastien is hoping that upon completion of the project, concrete recommendations will be made to improve the School’s Francophone curriculum.
“Although I was worried about studying in English for the first time in my life, I chose NOSM because I knew I wanted to practice in Northern Ontario and I knew I would have opportunities to practise my French throughout the MD program,” says Sébastien. “As a Francophone, I have a voice at NOSM.”
This past summer, Sébastien completed a placement in Timmins—his hometown. “I really hope to continue to spend time with Francophone physicians. I appreciate how NOSM places emphasis on Indigenous and Francophone health issues. It is inspiring to see NOSM alumni return to their communities, like Dr. Shyanne Fournier,” says Sébastien. Dr. Fournier is a recent Francophone graduate of NOSM’s MD Class of 2021, who started her residency in Family Medicine in Hearst in July.
“Many Francophone patients do not have a family doctor, let alone one that is able to speak their language. I want to be part of the solution,” says Sébastien. “I know a few people who are applying to NOSM through the Francophone Admissions Stream. I know they will feel very supported at NOSM, just as I have from day one. I feel at home here.”
Sébastien says his goal has always been to return to Timmins. He plans to practise medicine and deliver care in French as much as possible.