NOSM hosts virtual Board meeting during COVID-19 outbreak
Posted on April 7, 2020
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its regular board meeting on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 using telephone and online technology to accommodate a virtual meeting.
Highlights of the discussion and decisions include:
- Sarita Verma, NOSM Dean, President and CEO, provided the Board with an update regarding the monitoring of COVID-19 for NOSM learners, faculty and staff.
- The Financial Report ending January 31, 2020 was reviewed and approved as presented to the Board.
- A revised Faculty Appointment and Reappointment Policy was approved.
- Each of the standing committees reported updates.
A key focus over the past four months has been re-evaluating the School’s mission to ensure that its areas of focus remain relevant. The development of a new strategic plan is grounded in input from nearly 2,000 stakeholders including students, staff, faculty, partner organizations, and community members from across Northern Ontario. Input was gathered through a mix of interviews, community visits, town halls, external environmental scan of best practices, focus groups with students, staff, faculty, Indigenous and Francophone leaders, online survey and in-person advice from two newly constituted Social Accountability Advisory Groups.
The Board of Directors approved proceeding with the development of a draft Strategic Plan 2020-2025 based on the following emerging strategic directions:
- Innovate Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education
- Strengthen Research Capacity in Northern Ontario
- Transform Health Human Resource Supply
- Advance Social Accountability through Health System Advocacy
In addition to significant progress on a draft strategic plan, three other priorities have been a key focus: the onboarding of NOSM’s new senior academic leaders and the search for additional positions in the academic team; the finalization of accreditation documents for the MD program and submission to the Canadian Committee on Accreditation of Medical Schools; and, managing the learning and work environment during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for May 2020 and will again be hosted virtually.
For a complete list of Board members, please visit our website at