Coronavirus Information for NOSM Community
Posted on January 28, 2020
Dear members of the NOSM community,
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is continuing to monitor the Novel Coronavirus situation. We are following the World Health Organization, Public Health Ontario and other guidelines in addressing the Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Risk at NOSM remains low.
In light of recent headlines about incidents towards people of Asian origin during these types of outbreaks, please remember to be respectful and kind to one another and avoid speculating or stereotyping. Accurate information and wisdom should be guiding our actions in times of public health emergencies. Sharing inaccurate information or making prejudicial assumptions may hurt individual people and hinder appropriate processes. Remember we have zero tolerance for racist comments and actions. We encourage all to speak up to support learners, staff and faculty who encounter racism at any time.
FAQ documents have been posted to our webpage to address many of the questions that we have received from Students, Residents, Health Science Learners and Staff/Faculty.
We are in communication with all teaching sites to coordinate messages to learners and faculty.
Please continue to forward any questions or concerns to us at
To reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses, including coronaviruses, you should follow usual health precautions such as:
- washing your hands often
- avoiding touching your face unless you are sure your hands are clean
- avoiding contact with people who are sick
- practising proper cough and sneeze etiquette
Below are websites with more information and resources about the Coronavirus:
- Sudbury District Health Unit website
Thunder Bay District Health Unit website - Public Health Ontario: novel coronaviruses (2019-nCoV)
- Government of Ontario’s Health and Community Care webpage