Board Retreat Held in Thunder Bay Focusses on NOSM’s Strategic Direction
Posted on December 2, 2019
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held a two-day Board of Directors meeting in Thunder Bay on November 27 and 28, 2019.
On the first day, the Board attended the Lakehead University Report to the Community where they learned about annual achievements and viewed interactive research exhibits. The afternoon was spent in a workshop discussing the future of social accountability and what the School’s role could be moving forward. This session was facilitated by Drs. Alexander Anawati, Erin Cameron and Joseph LeBlanc.
The second day of meetings focused on the School’s strategic priorities with Dr. Sarita Verma, Dean, President and CEO along with facilitator Erik Lockhart led a strategic planning workshop. The Board discussed long-term directions and desires for NOSM; contributed to an environmental scan by identifying issues, opportunities and challenges for the School; and discussed priorities over the next five years.
The day concluded with an open meeting of the Board of Directors, the Financial report for the months ending September 30, 2019, the Occupational Health & Safety Policy, and the Joint Benefits Committee recommendations for Health and Dental benefits effective October 1, 2019 were approved.
Nancy Jacko will be the new Nominations and Community Relations (NCR) Sub-Committee Chair. In addition, there will be three new members on the NCR subcommittee: NOSM Director, Donna Dorrington, Indigenous Reference Group Chair: Ed Wawia, Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association Representative and Shelby Ch’ng.
The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for March 18, 2020.
For a complete list of Board members, please visit our website at