New Acute Aortic Syndrome Guidelines Reflect Northern Perspective
Posted on July 2, 2019
A group of clinicians and researchers from Northern Ontario are leading the development of national guidelines for diagnosing and treating acute aortic syndrome. Dr. Robert Ohle, an emergency medicine physician at Health Sciences North and Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, received a grant from the Northern Ontario Academic Medical Association (NOAMA) to adapt and improve existing American and European guidelines for acute aortic syndrome. Acute aortic syndrome is a condition caused by a tear in the aorta, the largest blood vessel in the body. Once the aorta is torn, blood can then leak up or down, blocking the blood flow to the vessels the aorta supplies, and depending on the placement of the tear, a number of the body’s essential organs.
Learn more about Dr. Robert Ohle’s research in the latest issue of The Scope.