NOSM Board of Directors Celebrates Successful Year
Posted on September 21, 2018
Rooted in the North
Using a combination of web- and teleconference connectivity across Northern Ontario, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its Annual Members and Board of Directors meetings on Wednesday, September 19, 2018.In accordance with Board policy, Dr. Alexandre Anawati, Danielle Bélanger-Corbin, Mark Hurst, and Bruce Sutton were reappointed as Directors. George Payne, NOSM medical student, was appointed as a Director for a one-year term. The audited financial statements for the year ending April 30, 2018 were approved as presented, and the Board approved the auditors for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2019.
Board members received updates on the many successes celebrated at NOSM over the past year, including Gididaa bimaadiziwemin wenji-maamoobiiding—NOSM’s Indigenous Community Partnership Gathering—taking place in Wauzhushk Onigum Nation and the 13th annual Northern Health Research Conference happening this week in Kenora.
Board members and invited guests received copies of three new NOSM publications: Northern Passages, The Scope, and NOSM’s annual Report to Northern Ontario. The theme of this year’s annual report is Rooted in the North. This unifying theme captures the progress that NOSM has made in establishing its roots in Northern Ontario, and reinforces the idea that the School is anchored in its mandate to be socially accountable to the needs and the diversity of the peoples and communities of Northern Ontario.
At the meeting, Dr. Moira McPherson, Board Vice Chair, congratulated Dr. Roger Strasser, Dean, on behalf of the Board, on achieving his performance goals of 2017/2018. “The annual review committee reviewed the documentation provided and the committee was very impressed with the quality of work that took place over the past year,” says McPherson. “Dean Strasser made important steps forward with a focus on Francophone and Indigenous relationships at the School. The work done around the strategic focus of NOSM as well as funding initiatives, has also been valuable. The annual review committee provided a strong and unanimous recommendation of support to the Board executive.”
The next Board of Directors meeting will be a two-day session held in Sudbury on November 22-23, 2018, when some sessions will be held jointly with NOSM’s Academic Council.
For more information about NOSM’s Board of Directors, please visit our website at
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is committed to the education of high-quality physicians and health professionals, and to international recognition as a leader in distributed, learning-centred, community-engaged education and research.For further information, please contact: