NOSM Academic and Professional Staff, Board Ratify Four Year Collective Agreement
Posted on June 29, 2018
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the NOSM Academic and Professional Staff Union (Unit 1 of Ontario Public Service Employees Union [OPSEU] Local 677) are pleased to announce the ratification of their fifth collective agreement, covering full-time faculty, professional librarians, and professional staff at the School.
Both the NOSM Academic and Professional Union’s Members and NOSM’s Board of Directors voted in favour of ratifying the new collective agreement today, June 29, 2018.
The agreement covers four years and is in effect from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2022. It provides for annual wage increases of 1.7% in the first year, followed by 1.75% in the second year, 1.80% in the third and 1.9% in the fourth year, with provision for Lakehead University and Laurentian University comparator adjustments in years 3 and 4. The agreement also includes enhancements to various components of the benefit package over the four-year agreement as well as a number of other improvements.
Formal negotiations began in March 2018, led by chief negotiators Mr. Garth O’Neill (NOSM) and Dr. Geoffrey Hudson (Academic and Professional Staff Union). NOSM and its Board of Directors look forward to the continuation of a strong professional and productive partnership with OPSEU Unit 1 over the next four years, and are appreciative of their Members’ contributions to the School’s vision of Innovative Education and Research for a Healthier North.
On behalf of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine Board of Directors, Dr. Pierre Zundel, Chair, would like to thank the members of both negotiating teams for their hard work in reaching an agreement that will ultimately benefit learners and communities across the North. Nicole Bessette, President of OPSEU Unit 1 also extends her appreciation for the work of the teams and the support of Members in reaching an agreement.