Upcoming Events
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- Current medical students are welcome to join our virtual academic half-days. Please contact the NOSM U PHPM chief resident at phpmchief@nosm.ca for more information.
A Message from the Program Director
Are you passionate about health equity? Or do you plan to work in lower-resource or northern, rural, or remote public health contexts? Or perhaps you want to practice full-scope public health and preventive medicine? Then consider training at the first medical university in Canada, established with an explicit social accountability mandate.
The NOSM University PHPM program prepares physicians to practice comprehensive public health and preventive medicine in any context. Residents train at sites across Northern Ontario, as well as sites outside Northern Ontario that offer experiences relevant to NOSM U’s social accountability mandate. Our program provides an encouraging environment for residents to create sustainable, equitable improvements in health outcomes. The varied training sites offer residents exposure to a broad range of PHPM practice environments and community contexts. Funding is available for travel and accommodation for core rotations outside a resident’s home base. Our highly engaged faculty not only serve as supportive preceptors offering graded responsibility during rotations, but also supervise resident scholarly projects and deliver academic teaching.
Program highlights include:
- Emphasis on resident wellbeing, including specific support for international medical graduates
- A comprehensive and innovative academic curriculum, including case-based learning, in-person learning events, media training, and simulations
- Excellent examination preparation, with regular practice written examinations and OSCEs
- Diverse, compassionate resident colleagues
- Annual funding for each resident for academic experiences and supplies, like software or conference attendance
- Easy access to urban amenities and outdoor activities across beautiful Northern Ontario
- Opportunities for elective rotations dedicated to research or examination preparation
- Outstanding program coordination and governance
- Strong local and international partnerships that support resident learning, including affiliations with the University of Global Health Equity in Butaro, Rwanda and the Foundation Course in Occupational Medicine at the University of Alberta
Interested in joining our program or learning more about our specialty? We would love to hear from you!
Dr. Emily Groot, B Arts Sc, MD, MPH, FRCPC (She/Her)
Program Director, Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Associate Professor, NOSM University